Sunday, March 30, 2014

Archetype Essay (50 points)

Marcus Meston
MDIA 1020
Section #3
            The druggy archetype is a character that is commonly seen in film. Two of the most popular shows within the last couple of years have prevalent druggy characters that add a unique section of the show. In the show Breaking Bad, Jesse Pinkman not only struggles with his own addiction, but he deals drugs to others. Even though a lot of actors portraying that archetype are dimwits such as Harold and Kumar or Cheech and Chong, Jesse Pinkman has serious demons with his meth and heroin addiction. Many scenes are outlined with Pinkman internally battling with the horrible reality of drug use on both the mental and physical side.
            On the other hand, the show Girls has a character named Laird, who is in the same apartment as the main character. He adds quirky comments and odd scenarios that can add comic relief or a break from some of the serious scenes. This is a difference between the new trend of stoner comedies such as “The Big Lebowski”, “Pineapple Express” and “Half Baked”.
            I think that this archetype is alive and well especially in modern film and television. It has progressed from a light-hearted view of drug culture as evidenced in Cheech and Chong to the critically acclaimed show Breaking Bad. Girls showed a balance between the two extremes. I believe this character will be seen in a similar light as Laird in future films and television.

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