Sunday, March 2, 2014

Who Let the Dogs Out LAW

Listening Framework
(Who Let the Dogs Out by The Baha Men)

Listening Phase 1 (Rhythm)

Source [where is the rhythm coming from?]
The rhythm is kept by the drums and there is rhythmic chanting of dog sounds from the background singers.

Time/Tempo [guess at the time signature]
The time signature is 4/4 and the tempo is at a danceable pace.
Groove [describe how the personality of the rhythm]
The groove has a sort of Jamaican reggae vibe.
Listening Phase 2 (Arrangement)

Instrumentation [which instruments drive the song?]
Drums, bass, keyboard and acoustic guitar are prevalent in the song. It is driven mostly by the drums and chanting background vocals.
Structure/Organization [how is the song built?  Order, patterns, etc.]
It has a common pop song structure. Verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, breakdown and chorus.
Emotional Architecture [Draw how the song build and drop?]
The song builds up to the catchy chorus but it is not reliant on the dynamics of the song. It is not a song that plays on emotion, instead it plays on catchiness.
Listening Phase 3 (Sound Quality)


-       Height [high and low of frequency]
The bass takes over the low end, the high frequency consists of the high hat from the drums and the vocals were in the mid range.
-       Width [stereo panning left/right]
The piano was on the right side of the ears subtly and everything else sat in the middle. There was not a lot of panning
-       Depth [layers of instruments]
There are not many instruments tracked for this. The layering was done mostly in doubling the vocals and background vocals to accentuate the lyrics. 

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